Hi all! I’m Angelos and I’m one of the co-writers and co-presenters for DNA&. At the time of writing I’m about to enter my 3rd year as a PhD student at Imperial College London. My work is computational and focuses around the use of machine learning to understand and predict cardio-metabolic disease. I am very passionate about my field and I hope I communicate this adequately through our podcast. I believe that science discoveries should be communicated to the public so that they inspire people to be involved with research or avoid misinformation.
I got my undergraduate degree in Molecular biology and Genetics and my master’s in Applied Genomics. In my free time I prefer being a bit more artistic than my programming would allow, mainly by watching films, reading or taking photographs.
If our podcast has helped spark your interest in genetics, medicine, or broader science, then we are very humbled.
To ask us more about DNA or further study, please reach out via our contact form or Twitter. You can learn more about the research from our Institution at the Imperial College London website.
We would like to extend our special thanks to The Genetics Society and The Society for Endocrinology whose funding has helped to make this podcast possible.
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